Wednesday, March 17, 2010


larry scottsergio olivaarnold schwarzenegger
Larry Scott (1965 & 1966)
Sergio Oliva (1967 - 1969)
Arnold Schwarzenegger
(1970 - 75 & 1980)
franco columbufrank zane
chris dickerson
Franco Columbu
(1976 & 1981)
Frank Zane (1977 - 1979)
Chris Dickerson (1982)
lee haneydorian yates
samir bannout
Lee Haney (1984 - 1991)
Dorian Yates (1992 - 1997)
Samir Bannout (1983)
dexter jackson
ronnie colemanjay cutler
Dexter Jackson
Ronnie Coleman
(1998 - 2005)
Jay Cutler
2006, 2007 & 2009

Tuesday, March 16, 2010



Today blog is related to bicep and its exercises and how to toned your biceps quickly
The biceps is actually a smaller muscle then the triceps. It is on the front of the upper arms. There are two heads of the biceps muscle (hence the bi in biceps).
Beneath the biceps is the brachialis, a flat muscle group that runs about half way up the upper arm bone from the elbow joint. From the rear you can see the brachialis as a well-defined band of muscle between the triceps and biceps when a muscular bodybuilder flexes his/her arm.
The triceps is a three-headed muscle that is on the back of the upper arm (hence the name tri in triceps).
There are three primary muscle groups in the forearms. The forearm flexors lie along the inner sides of the forearms. The forearm extensors run along the outer sides of the forearms. And the supinators that lie on the upper and outer sections of the forearms.
It is essential that when you do any exercise that you perform the movements correctly, if you don’t you will receive less then optimum benefit from the exercise. It is very difficult to unlearn bad exercise habits, so it is best to learn the right exercise technique from the very start.


The barbell curl is a great way to work both heads of the biceps with a heavier weight .

1.Stand in a well balanced position with your hands shoulder
width on the bar.

2. Your palms should be face up in the grip.

3. Keep your chest out, shoulders back and back straight.

4. Rest the bar on the upper thighs with your arms extended
out straight.

5. Inhale, hold your breath and lift the bar in a slow, steady arc
toward the shoulders.

6. Raise the weight until the forearms are almost vertical then
exhale and lower the bar in a slow arc back to the starrting
position. Take a moment and repeat the movement.

7. Make absolutely sure to keep elbows even in front of the
body and your upper body as motionless as possible

This exercise may be performed by alternating (as described), simultaneous, or in simultaneous-alternating fashion. When elbow is fully flexed, it can travel forward slightly allowing forearms to be no more than vertical. This additional movement allows for relative release of tension in muscles between repetitions

1. Sit back on 45-60 degree incline bench. With arms hanging down straight, position two dumbbells with palms facing inward

2.With elbows back to sides, raise one dumbbell and rotate forearm until forearm is vertical and palm faces shoulder. Lower to original position and repeat with opposite arm. Continue to alternate between sides.


1. Find a comfortable position seated behind a preacher bench with your
hand on a barbell.

2. Use an underhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders.

3. Lean into the preacher stand, firmly pressing the upper chest muscles against it..

4. Lift the bar slowly upward in an arc until it almost touches the biceps

5. Make sure to keep your upper arms on the pad and don't let your
elbows spread apart.

this exercise especially benefits the long head of the biceps brachii.


The long head (lateral head) of biceps brachii is activated significantly more than short head (medial head) of biceps brachii since short head enters into active insufficiency as it continues to contract
1. Sit on bench. Grasp dumbbell between feet. Place back of upper arm to inner thigh. Lean into leg to raise elbow slightly
2.Raise dumbbell to front of shoulder. Lower dumbbell until arm is fully extended. Repeat. Continue with opposite arm


1.Hold Dumbbells, Stand erect
Keep back straight, head up, hips and legs locked.

2.Begin curl with palms in until past thighs, then turn palms up for
remainder of curl until shoulder hight.
Keep palms up while lowering until past thighs, then turn palms in.

3. Keep upper arms close to sides and concentrate on biceps while
lowering and raising.

4. Inhale up, Exhale down


1. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your side with your
palms facing your body.

2. Raise the dumbbells as far as possible without
allowing the elbows to move.

3. Keep the palms facing the body throughout the

4. This exercise may also be done one arm at a time

Stand facing a low pulley machine and grab a short bar attached to the low cable with an underhand grip (using both hands). Simply curl the bar up so as to try and touch it to your shoulders. Keep your elbows locked firmly in place at your sides throughout the movement. Slowly return to the start position and repeat.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hi friends in today section there are best chest exercises I’m posting and its my 101% guarantee that these exercises fill gives you the desired result .For easy understood I have also uploaded picture of every exercise .


It is consider as the best exercise for chest

Muscles involve - pectoralis (chest) ,deltoid,tricep

Instruction - lie on the flat bench face up with your feet on the ground hold the bar with your hands with 3-4inches wider than your shoulder lift the barbell slowly lower the barbell to your middle chest with your elbow keep in side without jerking the bar slowly press it to the starting position.

Incline bench press
This is a compound weight exercise for upper chest ,front deltoid and triceps
Execution – Sit on incline bench which is at 30-45 degree incline with your back on it and your feet holding the floor firmly hold the bar 3-4 inches wider your shoulder now slowly take off the bar from the rack and bring it to your upper chest keeping your elbow sides stop for a sec when your bar touching your pec (chest) now slowly push the weight to the starting position for best result keep the movement slow and controlled

Flat bench dumbbell press

This is another good exercise for chest for the muscles group chest front, deltoid and triceps
Execution – Holding the two dumbbells in hand lie on a flat bench now extend your arms up your palm facing your feet now slowly lower the dumbbell as low as possible but your shoulder should be out side ,the more you lower the dumbbell the maximum chest will expand

Decline bench press
This exercise put stress on lower- outer part of chest .
Lie on a decline bench face up with the feet under the supporting pad and grip the bar 3-6 inches wider than your shoulder now lift the barbell off the rack and slowly lower the bar to your lower chest with your elbow moving to the sides without bouncing the bar slowly press it to the staring position
Narrow grip will involve more triceps and inner chest while wider grip will give more stress on outer chest.

Incline dumbbell press
This is the alternate option of incline bench press execution and result and the body part involve is the same as the incline bench barbell press

Flat bench dumbbell fly
This exercise involves muscles pecs ,biceps and deltoids and its function is to expanding chest
Take two dumbbells and lie on a flat bench extend your arms with your palms facing each other bend your elbows slightly and fix them through the exercise keep your arms perpendicular to the torso slowly lower the dumbbells in semi circular motion until your arms parallel with the floor slowly raise the dumbbell with the same arc to the starting position.

Push ups
Push up is the best total body exercise that build strength .It is a compound exercise and train all body parts including chest ,biceps,triceps,back,shoulder,abs and even legs
Execution – Get on the floor your hands should be placed beneath the shoulder keep your back straight and your knees straight and parallel and straight to the floor now slowly lower your body so as to touch your nose to the floor and then return to the starting positio

Friday, March 12, 2010

human anatomy

i have upload human anatomy picture so that it will be easy for you to understand exercise easily

Monday, March 8, 2010

What is body building ?

Bodybuilding is the act of putting on muscle by working out and shaping one's diet to put on more muscles mass .Oftenbodybuildingis referred to as hardgaining , indicating a regimen tailored for a person without a predisposition towards acquiring muscle mass.

Bodybuilding may be done for recreation, for personal betterment or as a competitive sport.

The sport of bodybuilding is judged based on the physical appearance and demonstrations of the participants. There is currently a campaign to have bodybuilding adopted as an Olympic sport, but this campaign is met with strong resistance by some sectors. It is commonly argued that bodybuilding is not an actual sport, as the contest itself is non-athletic.

When competitive bodybuilders compete, they demonstrate a number of poses intended to show certain muscle groups. This posing is a large part of competitive bodybuilding, and many bodybuilders spent up to half of their training time perfecting their posing routines
There are a number of techniques used for gaining and sculpting muscle mass, both in the competitive and personal arena. A distinction is often made between those who are able to continually gain mass and strength through a regular routine, and those who quickly The latter are often referred to as hardgainers, because it is more difficult for them to gain strength than for many others who pursue bodybuilding seriously.

Ultimately, the best technique for bodybuilding is to experiment with a number of different workouts to find what works for your body. Combining a suitable workout with a high-protein diet and plenty of rest in off-times will ensure pleasing results.

perfect result in body building =40% exercise +60%diet + correct technique

Its all for today i'll came with lots of exercises in next blog

What is fitness ?

''Fitness is the ability of human body to function with vigor and alertness his or her daily work without any fatigue and after that the person had energy to engage in his leisure activities and to reduce mental stress'' .

Fitness is not about being very thin ,having very small back or very huge muscles .Its a combination of activities that enables us to be at our full potential in performing various vigorous physical activities .It involves performance of heart, lung,muscles etc in proper way .

Fitness influence our body language and our mental and emotional development to great extent since whta we do with our bodies also affect what we do with our mind '

Although ,physical fitness and good health influence each

other though these are not the same

healthy people could be physically unfit due to lack of exercise on the other hand physically fit people perform their every day task with effortlessly .

so what are you waiting for, start now itself

Its all for today in next section i will came with the concept of bodybuilding till then good bye...