Shoulder exercises

Arnold Shoulder Press is an excellent Shoulder Muscle Building exercise. Learn the proper technique and blast your front deltoids now.

1. Stand straight holding a dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder position with palms facing you.
2. Now press the dumbbells overhead just like dumbbell presses but twisting them so that palms face forwards at the top of the movement.

Now lower the dumbbells in a reverse movement.


Dumbbell Shoulder Press is an excellent variation to Barbell Shoulder Press. And added to the fact that dumbbells allow a full range of motion, dumbbell press is a very significant exercise to build front and side deltoid muscles.

1. Sit at the end of a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing forward.
2. Lift the dumbbells overhead until  they nearly touch at the top and then lower them as low as possible.
3. Fell a good stretch at the bottom and then continue with the next rep.

  • Go as heavy as possible.

  • Keep it under controlled movement. 

    To Build Muscle Mass in Trapezius Muscles.
    Heavy Upright Rows along with Shrugs build massive traps.

    Hold a bar with a narrow overhand grip and let it hang in front of you.
    2. Lift the bar and get it as close as possible to the chin using your arms and elevating your shoulders to squeeze your trapezius muscles.
    3. Now lower the bar under controlled motion until it comes back to starting position.

    • Remember exhale while you exert.
    • Keep a controlled motion and avoid jerky movements
    • Keep your back straight.


         To Build middle { outside } head of deltoid muscle.
    Make Lateral Raises a regular part of your shoulder workout. Its a must do exercise.

    mbbell in each hand and bring the weights together in front of you. The palms should be facing each other.
    2. Now bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells to your sides.
    3. Lift them to a point slightly higher than your shoulders.
    4. Now lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner back to the starting position.

    • Remember to exhale while you exert.
    • Form is a very important part of this exercise.. Don't just swing your arms. Keep controlled motion throughout the exercise.
    • Perform a warm up with 50% weight for 1-2 sets.
    • Always use weights which you can comfortably handle. This is not a power exercise. Also heavier weights have a greater chance of injuring your rotator cuff muscles.

     To Build Muscle Mass in the front head of deltoids.
    A high range exercise works exceptionally well for the front head of Deltoids.

    Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Let the dumbbells hang in front of you with back of your hands facing forwards.
    2. Raise one dumbbell {say right } in front of you till it reaches just above shoulder level.
    3. Now lower the weight {right} while raising the left in front of you.
    4. Perform this exercise in this alternating manner.

     This exercise can also be done both arms at a time called Double Dumbbell front raises.
    Another variation is the overhead front raise wherein the arm is raised in front but overhead above the shoulder level as much as possible.

    • Remember exhale while you exert.
    • Keep a controlled motion and avoid jerky movements
    • Concentrate on training the front delts and raise dumbbells in front of you and do not raise outside the body.
    • Try to avoid trapezius action as much as possible.
    • Avoid arching of the lower back.

    1. Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand. Let hands be on sides.
    2. Raise your shoulders without bending elbows as far as possible getting them closer tp ears.
    3. Release and return to start position.

    • Go as high as possible
    • Go full range.
    • move only shoulders and keep rest of body steady.
    Done along with Heavy Upright Rows , shrugs will help build a thicker neck.