Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The biceps is actually a smaller muscle then the triceps. It is on the front of the upper arms. There are two heads of the biceps muscle (hence the bi in biceps).
The barbell curl is a great way to work both heads of the biceps with a heavier weight .
1.Stand in a well balanced position with your hands shoulder

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
What is body building ?
Bodybuilding may be done for recreation, for personal betterment or as a competitive sport.
The sport of bodybuilding is judged based on the physical appearance and demonstrations of the participants. There is currently a campaign to have bodybuilding adopted as an Olympic sport, but this campaign is met with strong resistance by some sectors. It is commonly argued that bodybuilding is not an actual sport, as the contest itself is non-athletic.
Ultimately, the best technique for bodybuilding is to experiment with a number of different workouts to find what works for your body. Combining a suitable workout with a high-protein diet and plenty of rest in off-times will ensure pleasing results.
perfect result in body building =40% exercise +60%diet + correct technique
Its all for today i'll came with lots of exercises in next blog
What is fitness ?
''Fitness is the ability of human body to function with vigor and alertness his or her daily work without any fatigue and after that the person had energy to engage in his leisure activities and to reduce mental stress'' .
Fitness is not about being very thin ,having very small back or very huge muscles .Its a combination of activities that enables us to be at our full potential in performing various vigorous physical activities .It involves performance of heart, lung,muscles etc in proper way .
Fitness influence our body language and our mental and emotional development to great extent since whta we do with our bodies also affect what we do with our mind '
Although ,physical fitness and good health influence each
other though these are not the same
healthy people could be physically unfit due to lack of exercise on the other hand physically fit people perform their every day task with effortlessly .
so what are you waiting for, start now itself
Its all for today in next section i will came with the concept of bodybuilding till then good bye...